Grace Collins
Art Educator
College Work: 3D
A wire toy car complete with steering push-stick. It successfully terrorized and amused people walking around Penn State's campus
The Prehistorical Biological Monstrosity, Jurrassica is a dinosaur drag persona. Created the headdress and tail. Completed the character with over the top makeup.
I swear I'm not vain.
A custom made bookshelf used to accommodate my shoes and other belongings.
My final project for my Introduction to Ceramics course at Penn State. This installation piece shows the beginning map for a world created for the table top game Dungeons and Dragon. It consists of the following segments: laptop with a character sheet, game board that I made, expo-marker map and expo-marker supplies, two sets of dice, ceramic die throw-box, ceramic planter head and face, ceramic mushroom and mug, and a ceramic quartz sculpture.
Close up image of the playing board and drawn map.
30" x 30" board with a 25" x 25" grid of 1" squares Ply-wood, plexi-glass, acrylic paint, pen and ink, and epoxy The hand-made game board used in Dungeons and Dragons: World Creation. The calligraphy in Tolkien Elvish around the edge says: Our adventurers headed out on a journey to slay monsters, make friends, and to save kingdoms. This is Dungeons and Dragons.
Stoneware Box used to chuck dice in during an intense tabletop session!
Stoneware Box used to chuck dice in during an intense tabletop session!
Stoneware Planter inspired by a wooden figure used to aid in drawing poses.
Stoneware Planter inspired by a wooden figure used to aid in drawing poses.
Stoneware Planter inspired by a wooden figure used to aid in drawing poses.
Stoneware Planter inspired by a wooden figure used to aid in drawing poses.
Stoneware Head of Wisdom with succulent and its face. Planter inspired by a wooden figure used to aid in drawing poses.
Stoneware clay pressed into a hand-carved plaster mold. "Mirror mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" Inspired by the Magic Mirror in Snow White.
Stoneware painted with acrylic paint.
Stoneware painted with acrylic paint.